Here are some successes and testimonials from children of the Raramuri communities who have benefited from the programs at Vida Digna.

vida digna renovated homes and implemented rain water filtration systems.

Here you can see before and after pictures of homes transformed in 2016. Rainwater collection and storage system were installed to provide quality drinking water. A laminated roof was placed in the homes so that the water slides through it, falls into a gutter around the house and flows into a filter at the top of a 2,500-liter container. The family is then trained and supervised for the construction of the crop, and they are provided with the necessary material.

testimonials from graduates in CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO.

Testimonials from the Raramuri people who have benefited from the Vida Digna Foundation. They explain how grateful they are to have had the opportunity to study as children and eventually in college thanks to the Vida Digna foundation and what each studied. They then explain how each study led them to their current career and success in life. Thank you Vida Digna for letting us share this video.

thank you cards from raramuri children.

Thank you from children who’s families have been helped through the Vida Digna Foundation and are now going through school.

Classes for the Raramuri Children

The children in these communities are often not educated in any way so its an amazing opportunity for them to have access to this sort of education and to go on to have a career.